Author: William Slawter Jr.

William Slawter, Jr. is a newly published writer with a preference for the comedic, satirical, and absurd. Other than having received several awards in high school journalism in the 1990s, his lack of writing efforts in the 25 since have produced few accolades. He is hopeful that his renewed interest in fiction writing will bear fruit as he ponders the extent to which this might be a midlife crisis. When he is not writing, Slawter keeps busy with fighting off squirrels in his vegetable garden, collecting vintage placemats, and managing a fantasy hockey league he started in 1992. He lives in Durham, North Carolina with his partner Katherine and their son Liam.

It’s that time of year again, when homo sapiens are forgoing their summer swimsuit diets and fattening up for the colder months ahead. While humans are loading up on marshmallow-infused pork rinds and deep-fried milkshakes, we know you animals are sharpening your beaks and polishing your claws for opening day. Here are a few reminders to keep in mind as some regulations have changed this year. Baiting Due to the over-effectiveness of baiting tree stands with Coors Light, Bud Light, and “PBR”, new mandates require the use of robust imported or microbrewery beers. Luring humans with reclining couches, the scent…

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