Author: Tara Campbell

Tara Campbell (, Twitter: @TaraCampbellCom) is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, and fiction editor at Barrelhouse. Prior publication credits include SmokeLong Quarterly, Masters Review, Jellyfish Review, Booth, and McSweeney's Internet Tendency. She's also the author of a novel, 'TreeVolution,' and two collections, 'Circe's Bicycle' and 'Midnight at the Organporium.'

Nice Kevlar. May I buy you a can of potable water? I know you from somewhere. Weren’t we in that cave together, the one with the really good pilot bread? Decontaminate here often? I know this isn’t the Thunderdome, but you’re driving this Max MAD! Hey baby, is it hot in here, or is it just the fact that average global temperatures have been rising steadily since the Industrial Revolution? Oh, miss, you dropped something: my ammo. Hey girl, want to come up and see my rations? Wow, your eyes are as green as an algal bloom. Are you pie?…

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