Author: Steve Vago

Steve Vago is a human being. He works in TV/film.

I am appalled seeing how far this country has fallen,  voting for officials who engage in cussing and free will. The vulgar language constantly displayed by our president and followed by Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib calling him a motherfu… mother… m-just know it’s dangerous to the values of this republic. It’s too filthy to repeat, too toxic for my lips to utter that word. It’s why Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook must join forces and build the next president. I’d suggest Mark Zuckerberg but he did something bad, I think. Why stop with Siri or Alexa? The 46th president of the…

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“I’m not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-Termite” – Louis Farrakhan Hi anti-Semites! I’m exhausted trying to keep up with your fun little nicknames for us Jews. Boy, oh boy – you’re too funny! You’ve affectionately dubbed us “rats,” “pigs,” “cockroaches,” and most recently “termites.” Each and every one of your lovely terms of endearment has confused me, but… “termites”? Termites destroy the structures of buildings and feed on the wood in your houses. Now, my Hitler-worshipping pals, how could I – a Jew – be compared to such a destructive little pest? Sure, my dentist Dr. Cohen (another undercover vermin) says…

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My Joseph is the quintessential perfect white son. I worry about him, his freedom and sense of agency, and the ability for him to change the world with so much stacked against him. I can’t sleep at night – I toss and turn in bed, thinking about his future. When Joseph was five, a female teacher called him “thunder thighs.” At 12, a ghoulish older woman whistled at him, licking her lips. At Thanksgiving, his alcoholic Aunt Beatrice foamed, “You need to smile more. You and that constant resting douche face.” When he was 15, on his way to class,…

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