Author: Ross Bullen

Ross Bullen teaches English at OCAD University in Toronto. He writes about American literature, academia, football, and elephants. You can find him on Twitter at @BullenRoss.

A few weeks ago The Sun newspaper ran a story called “FLAKENSTEINS: Snowflake students claim Frankenstein’s monster was ‘misunderstood’ – and is in fact a VICTIM,” which is… actually a totally accurate interpretation of the novel. But that’s not the first time a newspaper has tried to call students out for their literary criticism. Here are just a few more recent headlines about “snowflake students” correctly interpreting works of literature: Social Justice Worriers? Mini-Marxists claim the police had NO REASON for arresting Josef K. Call Me Snowflake. Loony lefties think Captain Ahab was WRONG to chase the white whale that took his…

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