Author: Paul Hernandez

Paul Hernandez is a comedy writer who deleted his original Twitter account only to return years later to find satire is hard when people actually do the things that were once derided. He's procreated more than a few times, paid off an SUV, and absolutely crushes it watching Jeopardy Teen Tournament. So you could say he's reached self-actualization more than a few times. Take that, Maslow!

Do you fear little Aldous is losing online clout faster than Charles Barkley caught saying anything on a hot mic? Does your kid’s social media presence feel like it’s not influencing so much as it’s just “following orders?” Have your Instagram likes plateaued despite using #thatsassybaby on every post? Before you fly to South Korea on a medical tourism visa to work with the only plastic surgeon doing calf implants on a size 4T, read these helpful tips. Call Me By YOUR NAME GOES HERE Did you go all-in on Khaleesi? Don’t panic, this isn’t the first time a naming…

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