Author: Nat Hrvatin

Nat Hrvatin is a writer and performer from Cleveland, Ohio. Her work has appeared in Slackjaw, The Belladonna Comedy, Widget, Jane Austen's Wastebasket, and Points in Case. Check out more of her work at

1. You gape in awe at your monumental task and wonder if you will succeed. 2. A small part of you is grateful for the solitude. 3. A larger part of you is terrified and regrets taking on this challenge. 4. You get misty-eyed thinking of how you can achieve this much work by yourself. 5. You’ve gathered all your necessary equipment and have done your research, but you still doubt your capability. 6. It would seem like a waste of your time and money if you quit now. 7. You wonder if you had someone else to help you…

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