Author: Michael O'Connor

I am the writer/host of the True Ruin podcast and author of memoir, essays, novels, articles, humor, plays, and any other work I can scrounge up for a measly buck. I've written for The Hard Times, the Analysis Paralysis sketch show, and many boring articles on brake pads for my day job. The piece is pasted below, thanks!

Credit: David Gn This city was once my identity. My everything. My roots have grown deep in its streets ever since I moved here a year and a half ago to start my job as a Marketing Technologist in Charge of Web Analytics and Development of UX for SEO and Growth at the tech start-up, SPLTZ. When I showed up, it was a hub of culture and life. But ever since my ultra-wealthy friends and I moved here it’s like it’s become soulless. Just our luck. First off, there is trash everywhere. I started buying up homes and turning them…

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