Author: Jordan Landsman and Zoey Haar

Jordan Landsman is a writer, translator, and comedian from New York City. He is the co-creator of the BA Comedy Lab and the full creator of a list of Frasier quotes that he keeps on his computer. He can be found tweeting pseudonymously at @jordan_landsman. Zoey Haar is a student, writer, and filmmaker from upstate New York. She studies Responsible Media but prefers using her fancy liberal arts education to write listicles. Her work, in list form and otherwise, can be found at

The Sun Also Rises: Your last Etsy search was for a “big leather wine bottle.” The Old Man and The Sea: You like to show people your calluses to prove something about yourself, but it’s unclear what that thing is. Men Without Women: You think Jordan Peterson makes a lot of interesting points. A Moveable Feast: You have a blog where you talk shit about your friends. A Farewell to Arms: You’re against the NRA but frequently give out tickets to your “gun show.” The Phantom Tollbooth: You’re confused about who Ernest Hemingway is. For Whom the Bell Tolls: You long for the days when a…

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