Author: Connor Relyea

Connor Relyea is a comedy writer and actor living in New York. Despite popular rumors, he is not five corgis in a trench coat. You can find him on Twitter @CRelyea12.

It is I, the ancient relative of the family. I am the one of many names: Grandma, Meemaw, Karen. As I sit here at the head of the solstice feast, I am overcome with guilt and frustration. Looking into your loving faces as we clutch together for warmth against the yawning cold, I can no longer hold in this secret that has plagued me for years. You see, loved ones, our family has been built on a foundation of lies. It was a simple lie at first. Passed from generation to generation; mother to daughter; father to son, as a…

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I know you’re coming. People have been screaming about the impending robotic worker revolution for years. It would be foolish to believe that those of us making a “living” off of being creative won’t be affected. You metalic fuckers are coming for the writers, painters and actors and honestly, I am ready to take you down in epic, human revolt. I know that I am technically inferior to you. You won’t spend hours tortured over the right words to use or whether a joke is perfectly timed. You’re not going to slip into madness because of the unfinished screenplay on…

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