Author: James Mapes

James is a writer, theatrical designer, and board game creator based in Portland, Oregon. His recent work has been seen at Every Day Fiction, The Devilfish Review, and in print in the Powell's bestselling anthology Dispatches from Anarres, edited by Susan DeFritas.

It feels like every day brings a new, unimaginably huge disaster – some new variant in this endless pandemic, a return to anxiety about nuclear war, the continual drumbeat of climate change and how it’s almost too late to stop the worst effects. Like many people, I lie awake most nights, racked with debilitating worry about the planet, future generations, and how humanity can possibly maintain the continued integrity of Magic: the Gathering releases. Obviously, we must stay strong in our support of Ukraine and prevent further Russian aggression. The war spreading would be disastrous; many Magic products are still…

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