Author: Ashley Geiger

Ashley Geiger is an improviser, educator, and humor writer in Toledo, Ohio. Her published work can be found at Ashley also teaches improv inside a regional correctional facility. In her spare time she obsessively knits pink pussy hats in the dreams of becoming the next Madame LaFarge, albeit she is hoping for a better death.

1. Caramel Artist 2. Sweet Pea 3. Pewter Tankard 4. Sky High 5. Privilege Green 6. Old-School Grey 7. Box of Beef 8. Bunglehouse Blue 9. Hammered Silver 10. Weathered Shingle 11. Cuddly Old Teddy Bear 12. Silver Moon 13. Dark Cream 14. Chatroom 15. Grey Lock 16. Samovar Silver 17. Buggy Whistle 18. Sands Of Time 19. Hopsack 20. Irish Silver 21. Pirate Heart 22. Techno Gray 23. Hardware 24. Guns n’ Crooks! 25. Rock Bottom 26. Nonchalant White 27. Big Fat Man 28. Cabin Man 29. Helpless Shopping 30. Rock Candy 31. Interactive Cream 32. Leatherbound 33. Ready 2 God 34. Soulmate 35. Camelback 36. Soda Mold 37. Snuffy Answer Key Paint Color: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18,…

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