Author: Jessica Salamone

Jess Salamone recently spent a morning writing in a coffee shop and found $10 on the floor. This technically qualifies Jess to call herself a paid writer. She lives in New York City with her best friend Naia, a cat who she found on the street. She spends a lot of time drafting tweets and even posts some of them. Follow her (please) @Blessed2BJessed.

I ordered a sushi boat last night while I was drunk and I have to eat the leftovers tonight before they go bad. I have no way of getting there – the train by my apartment is down for the weekend, I deleted Uber when the whole JFK/immigration debacle happened and my bike got stolen last year while I was on a family vacation to Disney World. I brought my laundry to the laundromat yesterday and they just announced that they are going out of business tomorrow, so it’s crucial I go back to get my wash and fold before…

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Ever since the “male Hooters” opened up, I’ll admit I’ve been curious and a bit skeptical. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about the effort and hopeful that their intent is to hop on the gender equality, female inclusion train (trust me, we see you and we appreciate you). When I looked it up, though, all I found were photos of ripped men in tiny shorts holding server trays of hot dogs. This photo may have been edited. Maybe I’ve been reading too much Roxane Gay or Rebecca Solnit but I don’t know that the Hooters business model of oversexualizing…

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