Author: Meryl Williams

Meryl Williams is a writer based in Columbus, Ohio. She plays roller derby and loves Rilo Kiley. Sign up for her awesome TinyLetter.

Finally watching that football show you like that you swear is “not about football” [eye roll emoji] Is Riggins the hot one that everyone on Tumblr is obsessed with? I mean, I get it, would bang Oh wait how old is he, there’s no way any of these actors are younger than 23, right Wow Julie Taylor is kind of the worst, huh? If Tim Riggins hooks up with this one hot librarian-looking neighbor, I am OUT OMG HE TOTALLY BANGED HER, ARE YOU KIDDING ME what a trope I love how everyone is just constantly chilling at the Applebee’s…

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Whole Foods Checkout Girl: You see her every time you get groceries. You pine for her even though you know her white girl dreads are super problematic. Kombucha Guy: He tried to sell you fermented tea out of the back of his 1991 Subaru and you were kind of into it. Your Barista: When you tell your friends about how she remembers your name and your order, you’re unsure if you should ask her out or if you’re simply describing a positive coffee ordering experience. Weed Dispensary Guy: You keep overtipping him but somehow he just doesn’t seem to notice…

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