Author: Matt Rotman

Matt Rotman is a writer and comic. His work has been featured in National Lampoon, Humor Times, Weekly Humorist, Modern Times Magazine, Points in Case, Diabolique Magazine, The New Southerner, Marathon Literary Review, and the anthologies, [Ex]tinguished & [Ex]tinct: An Anthology of Things That No Longer [Ex]ist (Twelve Winters Press) and Puff Puff Prose, Poetry and a Play Vol. II. He lives in San Diego, CA.

Most people catch the showbiz bug when they’re young, and I was no different. Ever since I was eight years old, I knew I only wanted one thing out of life: to form a world-famous two-man comedy team with the sole intention of one day meeting Victor Frankenstein’s creation. And when that dream came true, the day we finally crossed paths with one of history’s greatest monsters, he just wouldn’t shut the fuck up about birds. The winds of destiny sometimes blow in your direction, and thus a lifetime of two-man comedy had brought us to Frankenstein’s castle. Following a…

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History is not a zero-sum game. Understanding why things happen takes a deep knowledge of context and an appreciation for nuance – which is why it’s frustrating that so many people think the only reason we fought the Civil War was to get to General Lee’s compound before it was too late, and his genetically enhanced super soldiers hatched from their eggs, forever eroding Man’s control over the natural world. Believe it or not, that was only one of a variety factors that contributed to the deaths of over 600,000 Americans during our country’s darkest hour. Let’s take a moment…

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