Author: Lu Samuel

Lu Samuel is a writer and comedian in Los Angeles, which means she works in a restaurant. Follow her on Twitter @ideasLucy.

In a society that has placed too much value on physical appearance, ad hominem attacks directly relating to a person’s attractiveness are nothing more than regressive, irrelevant jabs, and the person relying on them appears desperate and insecure. Furthermore, in this humble optimist’s worldview, most people don’t deserve it. Almost everyone is doing their best. Almost no one is truly evil. Almost. But the ad hominem attack persists for one not-unimportant reason: it feels so good. And in cases where the the target has shown himself to actually be evil and soulless, and powerful enough to be mostly unaware of…

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My dear Mother and Father, who loved me enough to let me go, Summer camp is not the walk in the park I believed it might be, and maybe that’s okay. The friends I thought I had turned out to be enemies in disguise, like Martha from girls’ bunk 6, who laughed along when the older girls mocked my dance sandals. I did not let them see me cry, because that is not the girl I know that I am. But the truth is I did cry, later. And maybe that’s okay. I will let go of Martha’s toxic friendship,…

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