Author: Elizabeth Collins

Elizabeth is a writer and comedian living in Los Angeles. But first she was raised in the South by gay men who taught her to use her femininity to get her way. Her work has been published at places such as Marie Claire, Slate, and VICE. Follow her at @raisedbygaysok.

I don’t understand why the picture of Beyoncé with her newborn twins has gone viral and this picture of my grandma, taken right after I kicked her ass in Scrabble, only received three “likes” on Facebook. One of those being from my grandma! I realize I’m not a super talented singer who has made hundreds of millions of dollars because of a career spanning almost three decades. Nor have I gone on world tours or earned any Grammy nominations for my amazingly choreographed music videos. In fact, I can’t even dance. But just look at this picture of my grandma!…

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